Chemical Free Pest Control as Nature Intended
We provide natural enemies and biological solutions to manage pest-related issues and restore the natural balance of your crop.
Shop NowBy restoring the natural predator-prey relationship, we not only aim to significantly migrate the economic impact pests can have on your crops - so that you can continue your own mission of providing high-quality end-products but also to facilitate our commitment to the betterment of our planet.
Featured Products
Product specifications Presentation Polysterene disc coated with dry sticky glue.$67.47
Swirski-Mite Ulti-Mite Sachets
Instructions for Mini Sachet Do not hang adjacent to heating pipes. Do not hang sachets wher…Use For Thrips, White Fly, Broad and Russet Mites, Two-Spotted Spider Mites,Species A. swirskii$32.96 -
Spidex Vital Plus Sachets
Product specifications Pack size 25 or 250 sachets. Each sachet contains 250 predatory mites…Species P. persimilisUse For Two-Spotted Spider Mites$66.95 -
Spical Ulti-Mite Sachets
Instructions for Ulti-Mite Sachet Use Small escape hole is already cut in the sachet. Do not…Use For Two-Spotted Spider Mites, Thrips, White Fly, Broad and Russet MitesSpecies A. californicus$32.96