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Use For:
Thrips, Root Aphids, Fungus Gnats
S. scimitus/H. miles
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Product Details

Instructions for use

  • Incorporate mites into growing media during potting or sprinkle onto growing media surface. Mites will often move onto plants from growing media to look for prey during dark hours of day/night.
  • Use teaspoon or scoop to distribute throughout the garden
  • Mites will quickly distribute uniformly through crop
  • Do not water soil or growing medium 10 minutes before and a few hours after release
  • Also distribute on floors, greenhouse weeds, under benches, and places where fungus gnat larvae will develop

Storage and transport

  • Keep out of direct sunlight.
  • Do not store.
  • Release product within 1 day of being received

To see the impact of pesticides on natural enemies please visit, Chemical Side Effects Guide 

Stratiolaelaps scimitus (formerly called Hypoaspis miles) is a soil dwelling, generalist mite that feeds on fungus gnat larvae, pupating thrips, pathogenic nematodes, immature root aphids, and small insects in your substrate. Preventative applications will protect against many of the most common pests that feed on your roots or have a life stage in the soil. They can also be released onto the floors and corners of room and greenhouses.

How It Works

Stratiolaelaps scimitus are normally found within the top half inch of soil, growing media or surface debris. Females lay eggs, which hatch after six days at 20°C / 68°F producing larvae that actively feed for 10 days and continue to feed as adults. Adult mites live for several months when food is readily available, feeding on a wide range of soil/growing media pests.

Stratiolaelaps scimitus are mobile and readily find nutrition and water required for development. They are able to tolerate periods when soil moisture levels are low.

They prey on fungus gnat larvae and consume thrips larvae and pupae that drop to the growing media, making Stratiolaelaps a useful addition to other Thrips biological control agents.

***For a more in-depth look at how to use this predator effectively, including detailed information on life-cycle and application rates, please visit this link.***

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Product Uses
Shipping Info

For delivery mid- week, order must be placed by 12 pm on Thursday. For delivery on Friday, order must be placed by 12 pm on Monday of the same week.
Please allow 1 business day to receive a pdf order confirmation with your expected shipping date.