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Anso-Mite Plus

Use For:
Thrips, two-spotted spider mites, broad mites, russet mites
FREE SHIPPING on orders over $50!
Product Details

Amblyseius andersoni feeds on russet mites, broad mites and two spot spider mites. They will also feed on pollen and thrips larvae, allowing the population to survive when pest mite populations decrease. Active and effective in both high and low temperatures (43F-104F) make andersoni an easy choice for preventative mite control in your commercial garden.

How it Works

For best results, release Amblyseius andersoni when pest mite populations are low.

The predatory mites will feed on small colonies of pest mites, preventing them from growing in to large populations that can cause major crop damage.

Curative applications have also been successful on some crops, such as cucumbers and ornamental plants but Anso-Mite is always best used as a preventative control.

Predatory mites multiply in the sachet and disperse into the crop over a period of several weeks. They pierce the prey with their sucking mouthparts and suck out the contents.

500 sachets. Each sachet contains 125 predatory mites and prey mites.

Can be combined with Orius spp.. Do not combine with other generalist predatory mites (Amblyseius swirskii, Amblydromalus limonicus, Transeius montdorensis and Neoseiulus cucumeris).

***For a more in-depth look at how to use this predator effectively, including detailed information on life-cycle and application rates, please visit this link.***

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Product Uses
Use For:
Thrips, two-spotted spider mites, broad mites, russet mites
Shipping Info

For delivery mid- week, order must be placed by 12 pm on Thursday. For delivery on Friday, order must be placed by 12 pm on Monday of the same week.
Please allow 1 business day to receive a pdf order confirmation with your expected shipping date.